2013. február 28., csütörtök
2013. február 26., kedd
2013. február 25., hétfő
Boldog Hétfőt! - Happy Monday!
Aki régóta követi a blogomat emlékezhet, hogy hétfőnként feltettem 1-1 mintámat.
Úgy döntöttem,hogy néhány peyote mintámat közzéteszek megint.
Ha megfűztétek, megköszönöm, ha odaírjátok, hogy Vezsuzsi minta, ha pedig a blogom linkjét is feltüntetitek, nagyon megköszönöm. :)
Jó fűzést!
If you sell your completed work based on this design, I request that you give Vezsuzsi Design credit.
Many thanks if you link my blog on your site.
Happy beading :)
Art DEco
Ez a minta megfűzhető 3-as peyote-tal:

vagy akár szövőkereten is:

Fogadjátok szeretettel:
2013. február 21., csütörtök
Mirek és D. Ede

Mirek és D.Ede a meskán már, ne feledd, kótyonfitty ma meg holnap még.
2013. február 19., kedd
Szerdától péntekig (2013.02.20-02.22-ig) kettőt fizetsz, hármat vihetsz akciót tartok a mintáimból.
Kérlek 2 mintát vegyetek meg, utána írjátok nekem emailben, hogy melyik minta legyen az ajándék, no és a jelszót sem árt megírni.
Jelszó: Kótyonfitty :)
Vásárolhatsz a meskán a vezsuzsimintás boltomban.
vagy írj egy mail a vezsuzsiminta@gmail.com -ra.
(volt aki kérdezte, természetesen ha 4 mintát veszel, akkor 2 ajándékminta jár...stb )
Kérlek 2 mintát vegyetek meg, utána írjátok nekem emailben, hogy melyik minta legyen az ajándék, no és a jelszót sem árt megírni.
Jelszó: Kótyonfitty :)
Vásárolhatsz a meskán a vezsuzsimintás boltomban.
vagy írj egy mail a vezsuzsiminta@gmail.com -ra.
(volt aki kérdezte, természetesen ha 4 mintát veszel, akkor 2 ajándékminta jár...stb )
2013. február 8., péntek
2013. február 6., szerda
2013. február 3., vasárnap
Explaining the new design
Explaining the new design
I loved the design of my tutorials, and I always received positive feedback from you.
Some of my regular customers joked that it uses up too much yellow ink... yeah, I know J I was mulling over the idea, and finally persuaded Ákos to try the white background.
Well, there was no stopping from there – with the background being white, I had to let go of my favourite grey stone, which had been a very convenient background object, and made photographing my bead designs easy.
Now I have to learn jewellery photography. Once the tutorial background became white, why not invent a wholly new design.
I love variety and change. I moved from one place to another several times in my life, but even when I didn’t, I had to do something, like rearranging the furniture... As a kid, for example, I moved my bed into another corner of the room, and it gave me the feeling that everything has changed J I got bored with the motifs of my tutorial design, so Ákos (my husband) put together a couple of versions between Christmas and New Year.
This new design is dear to my heart, and it does not consume yellow ink. The format and structure of the instructions I did not change, they are and will be as detailed as ever. And I hope to improve my photo taking skills pretty quickly.
I love my new design, I hope you will like it too.
on Etsy
I loved the design of my tutorials, and I always received positive feedback from you.
Some of my regular customers joked that it uses up too much yellow ink... yeah, I know J I was mulling over the idea, and finally persuaded Ákos to try the white background.
Well, there was no stopping from there – with the background being white, I had to let go of my favourite grey stone, which had been a very convenient background object, and made photographing my bead designs easy.
Now I have to learn jewellery photography. Once the tutorial background became white, why not invent a wholly new design.
I love variety and change. I moved from one place to another several times in my life, but even when I didn’t, I had to do something, like rearranging the furniture... As a kid, for example, I moved my bed into another corner of the room, and it gave me the feeling that everything has changed J I got bored with the motifs of my tutorial design, so Ákos (my husband) put together a couple of versions between Christmas and New Year.
This new design is dear to my heart, and it does not consume yellow ink. The format and structure of the instructions I did not change, they are and will be as detailed as ever. And I hope to improve my photo taking skills pretty quickly.
I love my new design, I hope you will like it too.
on Etsy
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